
Loss is one of the most challenging and difficult types of suffering that we will ever experience. Grief is an incredibly powerful emotion. Sometimes it feels like grief clings to us, and no matter how much we try to shake it off and brush it away it remains. We wake up with it and we go to bed with it. We lie awake with it. We dream about it. When we lose something precious to us, we won’t have a choice; we will feel grief. And the Bible says that it is valuable to grieve, to mourn. And you should know and understand why. In Matthew 5, the sermon on the mount, Jesus lists off the attributes and characteristics that bless those who embody them. Verses 3 and 4 detail that both those who are ‘poor in spirit’ and those who ‘mourn’ are indeed a blessed people. For those who are poor in spirit, ‘theirs is the kingdom of God’ and those who mourn, ‘they shall be comforted.’ As we follow the narrative, we can see that all of these characteristics that Jesus mentions are indicative of a ...