
Showing posts from June, 2017


So, I didn't keep my blog as up-to-date as I would have liked, shocker! But, suffice it to say that, it's been quite a month! And I can't wait for whatever God has got planned next! My time in Denmark was unbelievable, and God really blessed it. I learnt so much from the teachings, I developed a whole new outlook on prayer, God spoke to me so much and confirmed so much for me whilst I was away, I met some wonderful, inspiring people - who are running with all their might after Jesus, and saw some amazing things on the streets... A massive shout-out to all you lovely people on my PTS, I love you all so much and we're now one big family in Christ. Praise God! You all helped me at different points; whether that was praying with me and for me, talking with me, hugging me!, going on adventures and outreach with me, and blessing me. You know, I actually considered, at one point months ago, doing my PTS in the summer instead, but I prayed about it and God was clear I shoul...