
So, I didn't keep my blog as up-to-date as I would have liked, shocker! But, suffice it to say that, it's been quite a month! And I can't wait for whatever God has got planned next!

My time in Denmark was unbelievable, and God really blessed it. I learnt so much from the teachings, I developed a whole new outlook on prayer, God spoke to me so much and confirmed so much for me whilst I was away, I met some wonderful, inspiring people - who are running with all their might after Jesus, and saw some amazing things on the streets...

A massive shout-out to all you lovely people on my PTS, I love you all so much and we're now one big family in Christ. Praise God! You all helped me at different points; whether that was praying with me and for me, talking with me, hugging me!, going on adventures and outreach with me, and blessing me. You know, I actually considered, at one point months ago, doing my PTS in the summer instead, but I prayed about it and God was clear I should attend the one in May. Well, I'm so thankful to God, because of everything he did for me there, but also because it meant I got to spend the last three and a half weeks with all of you. I couldn't have asked for better!

I saw some wonderful healings on the streets, shared the gospel with some people and just witnessed God moving in peoples' lives; which was so beautiful. We saw baptisms too, and how much joy was on the faces of the people afterwards as they were filled with the Holy Spirit. Though, we struggled with oppression and persecution too at times, but we held firm in our faith and prayer and overcame it with Jesus.

I had such a laugh too, and the hotel was filled with so much love and joy. I will miss that a lot! But I know the fellowship doesn't stop here :)

And my time in Norway, the past four days, has been awesome. I've seen the wonders of God's creation all around me, and have had a chance to explore a new place. But, the greatest experience of all was meeting two people of peace on two different days and getting the opportunity to listen to them, share the gospel with them and pray for them: two, new people who I believe have a new outlook on faith, on the power and love of God and on their future. Glory to God! I have been so overwhelmed with his constant encouragement.

If you want to know more about my time away, please do just message me! I would love to talk about it with you.

I used to pray: thy will be done, and hope my will would still be done. But, after seeing how God is working in my life and shaping it so wonderfully, I pray THY WILL BE DONE, because I know his will is better, stronger and filled with purpose. I can't wait to see what God will have me do next. What an adventure!


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