Choose an obedient heart

When someone asks you to pray for them, you can sometimes feel under a lot of pressure. I know that's happened to me, many times. You may think: What if nothing happens? What if I don't have enough faith?

What if.

Doubting yourself is natural. As human beings we are flawed, and we live in a sinful world.

But, when it comes to God, doubting is pointless.

When you pray for healing for someone, whether it be a physical illness, an emotional one or a spiritual problem, you are praying in God's strength, not your own. Without God you can do nothing, but with the Holy Spirit living inside you (God's gift to us), you can see miracles happen; today, right now.

In the past year, since I truly became a Christian, living a life for Christ, I have seen people healed. I have prayed, myself, for people to receive healing, and they have been set free from pain, instantly. It is the most amazing thing in the world, because I can see and feel the Holy Spirit working through me.

This is happening because I am being obedient to God. I am doing what he asks me to do, and not doing what he doesn't want me to do.

Learning to be truly obedient to God has been difficult, it isn't easy, in the world that we live in.

But it has set me free.

Today, I went for a walk into town with my parents, and I saw many people I wanted to pray for. People with walking sticks, people in wheelchairs... But I didn't approach them, because my parents have never seen anyone healed in front of their eyes, and, if I'm being honest, I was scared of what they would think of me, approaching strangers in the street.
But on the way home we passed a church, and there was a family there, tending to a grave. My mum told me that it was the family of a young girl who had died a couple of months ago, when she was hit by a car. I could see that her mother was still on crutches.
My heart started pounding in my chest, and, as we walked home, I couldn't stop thinking about the family, and all of the pain and sorrow they must be feeling. This feeling continued when we got home, to the point where I had to tell my mum I needed to go for another walk.
As I made my way back to the church, I prayed. I asked God what to do, whether I should approach the family or not. And all of my fears returned to me. What if the family lashed out at me? What if nothing happened? But I prayed, asking God to show me the way; that if the family were still there, then it would be his will that I approach them and ask if they need prayer.
And they were still there.
It took a lot of strength and obedience, but I spoke to the young girl's mother, and asked her if I could pray for healing for her leg. She smiled and thanked me, but rather than praying for her, she asked me to pray for her daughter that had died. She spoke with me for a while, and, in the end, said she would value my prayers for her leg as I walked home. As I left she thanked me, and so did her parents, with a smile.
So I prayed as I left them, as I would when I lay hands on someone, and commanded the pain in her leg to go in Jesus' name, and as I continued to walk through the churchyard, I cried and praised God.

The fears I had built up in my head had been conquered, my obedience to God had overcome them all. And that woman will know, during such a difficult time, that God is with her, and that he is by her side, still healing, in her grief.

Obedience may sometimes be a struggle, but God blesses many through it. Praise be to God.


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