And there WAS light

From the chaos You composed
A song that all creation knows
You took a mess, and You made life
You said, "Let there be light."

Word of God, God from the start
Recreating human hearts
Make us like the moon at night
A mirror of the light.

With just a word, set the dark to flight
Sing to the world, "Let there be light!"

Thank you so much to The City Harmonic for those amazing lyrics. For what words could possibly add more profound meaning to a night like bonfire night?

Tomorrow evening, remember that a man called Guy Fawkes should not be our focus, this November 5th. He isn't anyone special.

God, the creator of the entire world, the earth you love so much, is the light in dark places; when all other lights go out.

"And God said "Let there be light", and there was light" (Genesis 1:3)


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