He has a Plan

God, literally, is a man with a plan. I know that sounds cliche, but he has a plan, or plans, for all of us; whether we choose to follow them, or not, is another matter. But the fact still remains: he has desires and designs for your life.

In Isaiah 25:1 it says:

'Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago'.
NIV Isaiah 25:1

A lot of fairy-tales start with the all-too-familiar line: 'Once upon a time' and end with 'And they all lived happily ever after'. I think these lines have been used so much, in so many fairy-tale stories, because they are full of intrigue, mystery, hope and definite expectations of happiness.

Without a doubt, our relationship with God is the most important and joyful relationship we will ever have; and it breaks my heart that so many people in our world do not know, have not seen or felt, the limitless love of God. And this is not because of God, for he has no failings. It is because they simply do not look for him, pray to him or stay faithful to him. Yet, they only have to look to the cross, to see how faithful he has been to us.

When we believe in God, we are believing in a 'happily ever after'; for us, for those who have been before us and those who will one day believe and be saved. The Bible describes heaven as the most beautiful, peaceful and glorious place in the entire world, and our happily-ever after will be if we're there, alongside Jesus, forever. Forever.

We are closer, to an assurance of our happily-ever after, when we are following God's plans for us. Now, it is important to reinforce the fact that none of us are perfect, and I'm sure we have all moved away from God's plans at some point in our lives. But God doesn't write us off for these mistakes. Instead, I believe that when we call him back into our lives, with sincere and desperate longing, he starts building a new plan for us, from where we are. You see, he can still use us in wonderful ways; as we start to follow the plans he actually prepared for us long ago.

Never forget, that God sees all of our hearts. He knows you, and every tiny thought you have ever had. He knows you so much better than you know yourself. His plans for you WILL bring you purpose, hope, peace and eternal joy. 

Search your heart, and ask yourself why you would choose anything else?


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