Taking a Step of Faith

Wow, it's been a long time since my last blog post, so I'm sure it wouldn't surprise any of you to hear that a lot has changed in my life. Big, life-changing kind of changes!

A month or so ago I finally made the decision to leave my job. Which wasn't a straight-forward, easy decision to make; especially, when my role involves helping and supporting students who struggle  with or are disengaged with education and investing in their futures. It truly has been a privilege to work with these young people, and I hope I have made a difference, even if only small, to their school life and how they now view their education.

The reason I made the decision to leave a full-time, well-paid, enjoyable job was that I applied for an evangelism course in Denmark and was accepted. This is something that has been on my heart since I visited the organisation in Denmark last summer, but it was only a month ago that my frequent and persistent deliberations (regarding applying for the course) became, instead, solid and determined convictions.

It's a bit of a surreal feeling, but I feel oddly peaceful, and pretty excited, that this whole year has suddenly blown wide open with possibilities, and, hopefully, lots of opportunities to do God's will. I already know that Denmark will be amazing, as I'll learn a lot, grow in boldness, have plenty of chances to meet new people and grow in my faith.

There are so many uncertainties in my life at present. It's as though there are giant question marks over pretty much every area of my life. Uncertainties used to scare me, used to cause my anxiety to go into overdrive. But God has granted me a peace of mind that I have never known before. A peace that is as solid as a rock; as it's foundation is not me, but God, and his awesome power.

I will be keeping my blog up-to-date whilst I am away, and hope that you will continue to read it and, hopefully, learn more about why this big, life-changing step is so important to me and why I made the decision to go for it.

Martin Luther King Jr said that 'Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase'. I just love that! If my plans align with my love and obedience for God, and what is written in his word, then I cannot fail in this. Investing my time and myself in seeking God's will, will surely reveal it all the clearer; and what I want the most in my life is to do God's will. He really is the most amazing Father and friend there is.

"Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ"
Galatians 1:10


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