
Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see

Hebrews 11:1

...otherwise it is not faith!

Christians do not need God to stand in front of them, in all his mighty power and holiness, for them to know that he is there. Likewise, we do not need to literally hear his majestic voice, booming in our ears, for us to understand his desires for and directions to us. Though that would be awesome!

However, faith is more than just a 'feeling'. Don't get me wrong.


I can understand why a non-believer cannot get to grips with this. As they have never had a true experience with Jesus. If you had, you would not have forgotten it. So, they do not know how unbelievable and wonderful it is. And it truly is wonderful. However, when you do encounter Jesus, and you will if you really want to in your heart, you will receive that confidence and that assurance. For it is his gift to us, and he loves to give us good gifts.

Whatever you do, do not wait for a crazy, massive, supernatural experience to happen to you before you approach God yourself. He is not in the habit of just shouting at humans so that they take notice of him. It is unlikely that he will just turn up, tapping on your window one night. God expects, as he has a right to, that you will be the one to make the effort. After all, he did create the world that you live in, and he created you too. So I think that you may owe him this one!

If you meet him halfway, he can take you the whole way. He is just that faithful!


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