Do Not Put God In A Box

It goes without saying, that you can't literally put God into a box. He's the creator of the entire world, so I doubt he would fit, and he's much too important. That's not really what I'm talking about.

Do not put God into a metaphorical box, in your head.

I was guilty, in the past, of limiting God's ability to work in my life, and help me through my problems. I used to think 'God can't help with this, he doesn't understand'...

Thinking like that, will limit God's presence in your life. Because determinedly following your own path and desires in life, will tell God that you don't care what he thinks and what he has planned for you.

The idea of surrendering your life choices and future to someone else is a very scary thought. I do understand that.

But I know that I don't surrender my life to 'someone else', I surrender it to my best friend.

It has taken me a long time to understand and accept something very basic: that God's plans for me and my life, are significantly better than anything I could ever think of myself.

I used to always want to follow my own path, make my own decisions, choose my own career, partner, future etc. That's what I saw other people doing every day of my life as I was growing up. It seemed to make me feel bolder and more confident. But those feelings of self-confidence and self-worth were also a lie.

Some of you out there, may be struggling to choose God's will over your own. I get it. But the day I honestly, genuinely, seriously and emotionally gave God my life; my problems, my hopes, my dreams, my joys, my fears, my loved ones and my future, and asked him to take charge of them for me, was one of the happiest days of my life. Since then, I have experienced a peace like never before.

God knows my heart, he understands everything about me, and I know that he wants the best for me. I don't have all the details, but that is enough. He is working everything out for my good.

I'm not expecting my life to be a walk in the park, far from it. But I know it will be blessed, and I'll have my best friend there with me, always.


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