Choose, today, choose, God

If you are struggling today; if a situation you are facing is overwhelming and suffocating you, then stop fighting with it yourself, and, instead, choose God.

A big mistake, when you fear, is to worry too much about the future. Will my future be bleak? Have I screwed up my future? Do I even have one?

You may have noticed, that I have not written a blog post in almost a week. Why? Because it was a rough week, and, rather than fight back, I gave in to my fear. No matter how strong my faith can be, sometimes I am reminded that I am a faulty human being; naturally weak and lazy. It is God who is able to make me strong.

I worry about my future every day of my life. It is, easily, my biggest source of anxiety. Because, I want to be happy, I want to be fulfilled, I want the bright future every one else has got. I want peace. But I have to keep reminding myself that God is my shepherd! He is guiding me towards a wonderful future, but he needs me to cooperate, to say 'yes' to him, today. He needs us to take a break from our busy lives, and take life at his pace. Do not rush ahead, blindly, otherwise you will make mistakes. Take your steps with God, one day at a time. Listen to his voice.

So, even though it's hard, I choose today, I choose right now. I will take one day at a time, one problem at a time and I will wait for my Father to lead me forwards. I choose God. I choose love.

If you read my previous blog post, then you will appreciate this: This week was hard, I wanted to give up. I've been trying, and failing, to find peace myself. But after days, I've finally turned back to my blog, to my conversation with my Father in Heaven, and fireworks began erupting near my home... How awesome is our God! He hears us, and sees us where we are and as we are. And he delights when we call to him with our hearts and souls open, desperate to be near him.


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