What has mastered you?

We all have things we love; things that we think about every day. We dedicate our lives to so many wants and desires, and doing what we will enjoy and will make us feel good; but where have you put God among it all? Where is his place in your life?

In 2 Peter 2:19 it says: "for people are slaves to whatever has mastered them".

God doesn't just disappear when you think you have no need for him. He is with you always, even when you're enjoying yourself too much to notice. My question is: how do you feel, knowing he sees everything you do? Would he be proud of what you're living your life for?

It is scary, just how easy it is for us to be mastered. We can be mastered by our careers, our relationships, our home, our bodies, our desires, our possessions... the list could go on forever. Without realising it, we start placing almost everything in our life, before God and our need for him. We completely depend on earthly things to make us happy, to provide our ultimate happiness...

How many years do we have on this earth? 70? Maybe 80? 90 at a push... and the saying 'time flies' couldn't be more true. Do you really think that this is all there is? Isn't your life more precious and wonderful than that?

And I'm sure you'll have heard this before, but it is important. You will not take your career with you when you die, nor your relationships with humans, not your home, or your bodies, your desires or possessions. They will remain here. But you will take your soul, and the moments you spent on the earth God created.

Will your moments have been valuable to God? Will he say you used the time he gave you wisely? Were you kind to others? Merciful? Full of forgiveness? Were you generous to those in need? Did you bring anyone to Christ? Did you pray for help and guidance from God in times of need? Did you do what he told you to with your life?

Do not let yourself become a slave; mastered by earthly things that cannot promise you salvation. There is only one thing in the whole world that can offer you eternal life, and that is God.

"Surrender to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you" (James 4:7).


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