
Showing posts from 2017

What I know in my Soul

It doesn’t matter what is going on in life. It could be something awful, it could be something amazing. It could be something uncertain, or all the pieces could be coming together. But the love I have for God, in my soul, is unchanging. It glows. I remember feeling like this for the majority of my life. It’s like the part of me that I know will never change. It is the stern of my ship, the beat of my heart, the air that I breathe. When someone asks me, ‘how can you believe in God??’. My souls’s response is, ‘How can you not???????’. It is the soul relationship that they are missing. Once your soul has been touched by Jesus, then there’s no going back. There’s no desire to go back. There is just joy and love and trust and the best friend and defender you could ever know. When any of our family or friends ever lets us down, it can be so painful. But we always seem to forget, that they are only human. We are only human. We make mistakes ALL the time. Even those of us with the ...


So, I didn't keep my blog as up-to-date as I would have liked, shocker! But, suffice it to say that, it's been quite a month! And I can't wait for whatever God has got planned next! My time in Denmark was unbelievable, and God really blessed it. I learnt so much from the teachings, I developed a whole new outlook on prayer, God spoke to me so much and confirmed so much for me whilst I was away, I met some wonderful, inspiring people - who are running with all their might after Jesus, and saw some amazing things on the streets... A massive shout-out to all you lovely people on my PTS, I love you all so much and we're now one big family in Christ. Praise God! You all helped me at different points; whether that was praying with me and for me, talking with me, hugging me!, going on adventures and outreach with me, and blessing me. You know, I actually considered, at one point months ago, doing my PTS in the summer instead, but I prayed about it and God was clear I shoul...


Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see Hebrews 11:1 ...otherwise it is not faith! Christians do not need God to stand in front of them, in all his mighty power and holiness, for them to know that he is there. Likewise, we do not need to literally hear his majestic voice, booming in our ears, for us to understand his desires for and directions to us. Though that would be awesome! However, faith is more than just a 'feeling'. Don't get me wrong. It is CONFIDENCE and it is ASSURANCE.  I can understand why a non-believer cannot get to grips with this. As they have never had a true experience with Jesus. If you had, you would not have forgotten it. So, they do not know how unbelievable and wonderful it is. And it truly is wonderful . However, when you do encounter Jesus, and you will if you really want to in your heart, you will receive that confidence and that assurance. For it is his gift to us, and he loves to g...

Who is Jesus to you?

In Matthew 16:13-16 is says: Jesus asked his disciples: 'Who do the people say I am?' They replied, 'Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the other prophets. 'But what about you?' Jesus asked. 'Who do you say I am?' As we read on, Peter replies that he knows that Jesus is the Messiah. The word 'Messiah' is Greek and literally means 'the promised deliverer', the one who was foretold and will deliver his people from their struggles and sins. I was challenged, a couple of days ago, to really question who I am saying Jesus is. Because, even though I will joyfully tell anyone that Jesus is my saviour, my rock, I struggle sometimes to tell myself when I am suffering that Jesus is also my defender, my rock and my deliverer . He delivers me daily from hardships, persecution, doubts, fears and weaknesses. I am made brand new, and fear leaves me. If you already have Jesus in your life, question yo...

I have arrived!

Finally, I have arrived in Aalborg!  It's been months in the planning, well, mental planning, but I'm now officially on Danish soil; ready to start an experience that will change my life. Also, I found out on the plane that Denmark has been ranked the second happiest country in the world, hazar! It's a wonderful, sunny day here in northern Denmark, but the hotel is oddly peaceful at the moment, as I appear to only be the third student to arrive yet. I'm certain the peace won't last long! There are lots of people arriving tomorrow from all over the world: South Africa, America, Canada, France, Croatia, Kazakhstan, Australia and more, so, no doubt, the hotel will soon be buzzing like a  beehive with activity. Monday is the day when everything officially starts. I can't believe I was only at home in rainy Birmingham this morning; packing the last of my luggage, giving my cheeky cat a hug and trying, for what seemed like an eternity, to get my filthy,...

Taking a Step of Faith

Wow, it's been a long time since my last blog post, so I'm sure it wouldn't surprise any of you to hear that a lot has changed in my life. Big, life-changing kind of changes! A month or so ago I finally made the decision to leave my job. Which wasn't a straight-forward, easy decision to make; especially, when my role involves helping and supporting students who struggle  with or are disengaged with education and investing in their futures. It truly has been a privilege to work with these young people, and I hope I have made a difference, even if only small, to their school life and how they now view their education. The reason I made the decision to leave a full-time, well-paid, enjoyable job was that I applied for an evangelism course in Denmark and was accepted. This is something that has been on my heart since I visited the organisation in Denmark last summer, but it was only a month ago that my frequent and persistent deliberations (regarding applying for the co...