He has a Plan

God, literally, is a man with a plan. I know that sounds cliche, but he has a plan, or plans , for all of us; whether we choose to follow them, or not, is another matter. But the fact still remains: he has desires and designs for your life. In Isaiah 25:1 it says: 'Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago'. NIV Isaiah 25:1 A lot of fairy-tales start with the all-too-familiar line: 'Once upon a time' and end with 'And they all lived happily ever after'. I think these lines have been used so much, in so many fairy-tale stories, because they are full of intrigue, mystery, hope and definite expectations of happiness. Without a doubt, our relationship with God is the most important and joyful relationship we will ever have; and it breaks my heart that so many people in our world do not know, have not seen or felt, the limitless love of God. And thi...